Sunday, December 1, 2013

a swift kick of perspective...

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite family time together. 
i love the smells, the traditions, the family and the friendships it brings to the surface. 
this one was no different...
everyone groaned for family pics...
Deb ran from the camera all day...
Scott and Richard labored on the meat all morning in the cold,
while Kendra and i stayed in the warm kitchen... 

it was a WONDERFUL day of great family memories...
and God filled moments!

it once again put everything in perspective!

let me explain... only days before i had become really bogged down in...
one more school move,
one more teacher meeting,
one more doctor appointment,
one more disagreement to deal with,
one more counseling session at the end of the day,
one more need... one more, one more, one more!
i woke up thanksgiving morning with all these things still in my head...
as He always does, when i need a quick swift kick of perspective,
God got my attention!
as we went around the circle in prayer and i heard each of my
children lift up their voices of thanksgiving to the Lord...
i was choked up with a heart that was full...
having forgotten all the stuff from before!
as i remained fixated on the sweet sound of their voices...
God quickly reminded me of this...
ONE more is better than NO more,
cherish every one of them!
our days are numbered is what we are taught in scripture,
and they move quickly (the older we get, the faster that seems to be)
so we better enjoy each one to the fullest!
wonder if you could use a swift kick of perspective too?
i sure needed one!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

life in the fast lane...

..."What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while, then vanishes."  James 4:14
i cannot believe how time flies... the girls have now been in country almost 7 months!! 
the Lord has been so patient with us all during this time of learning and growth. 
we finally have a schedule and everyone is settled in school (and like it :)
we were snuggling down into our new comfy normal when... God moved...!!

you ever notice how good God is at taking note of our complacent comforts?
just when i began to think
"whew?!?!? we are beginning to get this thing figured out...!"
i realized how little i knew :)
our life moves fast and it moves furious...but it is intentional and purposed!
there is no greater high than striving in my little "mist of time" on earth to
every second of time that i have breath matters in the life of others if i choose it. 
so... God has rocked our existence and challenged us to the core, yet again...
 in our Family and For Life ministries!
small change... we will be opening our doors this Christmas
to the sweet Ukrainian girl that we met through the Krells... Yulia :)
arriving on December 19th!
and in ministry....we are continuing to grow our
Love One sponsorship program... now extending into Haiti.
we will be hosting our first event on Nov 2nd to love on our
love one families here in Madison county. 
thanks to the support of our home church Willowbrook
we will be opening our first office December 1st. 
our Christmas projects for the year are:
purchasing a goat or chicken for our home in Haiti...
Ebenezer Baptist Home for Children.
and repairing an embroidery machine for the ladies
working for She Thailand in Phuket.
we had our first shop "for life's purpose" to raise awareness this week...
we have 4 to go for the holiday season.
to get involved visit... or visit our FB page.
we are just hanging on to God as He moves and marveling at His faithfulness!
it is full speed ahead and the adventure is miraculous!
i don't know how you are spending your "mist of time" here on earth...
but know that every second of it matters!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

being ok when there is no definite!

sorry for the long delay, but i can barely shower... much less blog :)
life is definitely an adventure... and days of mundane have been long gone!
recently we were in the hospital with jordan for what looked like a major organ problem...
we tested for 4 days... doctors met, nurses loved on her and we just waited.
everybody was amazing and did their job well, but at the end of our time spent together...
the answer was not conclusive.  surprisingly i am ok with that!
as i look over the whirlwind of our life over the last 19 months,
this seems to be a theme again and again... no definitive answer!
as i pondered this idea, some things have stuck with me...
  • i can't parent my kids after anothers pattern
  • self help books don't always have the answers i need
  • not everything (incl health) can be absolutely figured out
  • sometimes bliss is a blessing
  • bad behaviors aren't always signs of bad parenting
  • drowning out all the other voices and listening to God's alone is a must
i could go on, but you get it...
not everything on this earth has an absolute... although we would like it to!
people are just people, they are not God! 
in Isaiah 55:8-9,  the Lord declares...  "for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." 
sometimes we have to LET GO and LET GOD, trusting His ways are perfect.
and when there is no definitive answers... by faith we must choose to trust Him! 
as we have weathered great winds of change and opinions from others...
God has certainly humbled my heart and changed my expectations,
my judgement and condemnation.  
i've learned i know very little about most things... but God knows everything!
these great storms have changed where i want to be,
and how i want to spend my little bit of time here!
and if i were authentically transparent, i would have to admit...
i've found that people that don't always have to have all the answers... 
or pretend they do... are more likeable!
i've found great taste in vulnerability and others ability to say i just don't know...
 it makes them very perfectly human.   
i think i like it so much... that its worth a try myself! 
there is only one definitive answer; and that is...
God alone has the answers we seek...   we just need to ask Him!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


everyday someone asks about our family... the size, the adaption, the struggles...
so let me go ahead and clear the air...  it is BIG!
our house is obnoxiously loud, we are late to everything, because we don't have enough seats...
or too many of their things start at the same time... or we cant find what they need.. the list goes on. 
i remember in my smugness when i used to glance at "that mom"
and think wow, she needs to get it together... well let me say it for you... THAT IS ME!
i glance around often and think what happened?
i often travel in a baseball cap, because i cannot make it to the shower...
i am constantly the one being reminded about the things i need to make or bring...
because once again i didn't check my email. 
and at almost any given time you can walk in my house and my exquisite dining table is full...
of undergarments, computers or a plethora of other uninteresting things i could list. 
we used to spend at least one night a weekend with friends... yeah we don't make the invite anymore...
i used to enjoy lots of  grownup conversation over lunches with the ladies... not so often anymore...
i used to send notes of encouragement to people often... can't even find the note cards now...
why... because life has simply changed!
we have been home from our last trip to Brazil for almost 5 months...
 and we are just now beginning to adjust to our once again new normal...
which has truly just been hard!
this week was particularly tough .. the last 5 started school... and activies :)
and quite honestly i have to admit i have been feeling pretty overwhelmed and wimpy!
so Dad above orchestrated a sit down for he and i this morning... like for hours!
(the boys are at an out of town tournament...
the little girls are at a friends, as is the middle one... and the olders are upstairs with friends).
an i have to admit, i didn't know how bad i needed an attitude adjustment until i got up:)
so i was pouring my heart out to Him about "having joy" and He prompted me to look
back at my journal last year from the same day.... and here is what the first lines said,
"If you are making excuses for why you are not experiencing an abundant joyful life,
determine today to settle for nothing less than God's best for your life.  Stop
following the world's way of finding satisfaction.  Instead listen to the Saviors voice and you
will find true fulfillment."  Exp God
uggggh!  it hit me right in the heart of my feelings! i was whining again!
i literally could hear Him speaking all around me...
which in layman terms would sound something like this...
"LeAnn don't focus on your feelings, they are way overrated...
focus on what i am filling you up with.  Abide in me and i will give you joy.
The world doesn't feed you, i do... lean into me, i will give you rest!"
Just what i needed to hear!! 
it never ceases to amaze me that, no matter how whiny or selfish i am being...
 i serve a heavenly daddy that will meet me right where i am and give me an
opportunity to get my heart and obedience back on track! 
so with a heart full of gratitude and no longer wimpy feelings...
i can say loudly and proudly life is an incredible adventure right now...
not one day looks the same!!
when i can't seem to find my "happy" i will do just as the Lord instructed me this morning...
that God has blessed us with the gift of family, friends and laughter!!
that so many do without daily! Be thankful!!

that love is priceless,  so many would give anything to have what we have!!

We are blessed beyond what we deserve!! (dogs and all!)

when i'm tempted to whine about being overwhelmed, challenged or exhausted...
 i will choose instead to REMEMBER!
God's aware and got this! 
He tolds you and i friend in the palm of His hand.
Maybe today is a great day for you to hit memory lane too!
don't let the world tell you that FEELINGS are what we should act out on...
instead trust in the Lords FILLING!
He will provide for you if only you will choose today to

Saturday, August 3, 2013

great is thy faithfulness

its been weird being off social media for an entire month...
and incredible all at the same time :)
 i will give you a give you a quick peek of the month...
the kids all went to various camps...
(maddie and gracie at camp maranatha)
(chloe and erik at willowbrook live camp)

(scott turned 30... yet again!)

(the pool was always full)

(we made new forever friends...... 

the krells sasha from ukraine)

(gracie braved a dental emergency...)
(dr. sonya's work is unbelievable)
this month has been chalked full of alot of heightened emotions,
as school decisions have had to be made...
this is our first year to deal with college (money... :)...
we will have a senior being homeschooled...
we will have a freshman in private school...
we will have 4 middle schoolers and 1elemenatry schooler in public...
we are all over the place... but we believe this is a good plan!
i can't believe summer is coming to an end!
i always enter into the month of august with mixed emotions...
sadness that summer is over, but gladness to be returning to a routine.
everything i have shared of the last month is dear to my heart

but one thing stands out above them all... God's faithfulness!
3 1/2 years ago God called us to an unbelievable journey.
One that would cross our paths with a remarkable young man...
one i knew was my son from the moment we met!
a young man filled to the brim with:
 anger, frustration, confusion, questions and loads of doubts. 
our journey has been full of ups and downs, highs and lows
and lots of tears... but God has stuck so close through it all.
He has proven Himself as...
a faithful force in my doubts...
a strong presence in my weakness...
a stern voice in my whining...
a quick hand of discipline in my lack of trust...
and one that never leaves.   
and we've expressed this truth to erik again and again!
while our unit of 10 is far from perfect... we remain together!
we absolutely believe in following Jesus at all cost,
and we care nothing about what others say or think about it.
this truth used to rub erik a little raw,
but now has become his way of thinking too...
it is with utmost pleasure that i share that
HE TOO has joined the KINGDOM OF ONE...
i don't know where the storyline goes from here,
but you could not have made me believe...
way back then, that it would have made its way here...
can i just encourage you...


Monday, June 24, 2013


meshing, molding, blending, stretching...
its all hard regardless of the life change you face.
the season we remain in is family growth...
and with it comes an ocean full of change,
with no encyclopedia that we can flip to for the answers.
so we just ride the waves as they come, doing our best to stay afloat.
last night we sat up way into the wee hours with one of our treasures,
as she shared, vented and cried her way through a very broken
explanation of her frustrations with all the change.
completely understanding, yet overwhelmed with it at the same time,
we tried to remind her of life being about others.
Scott talked to her about perspective and mindset... but,
eventually we just hugged, loved and went to bed!
but quite honestly, the hard part is i've felt all of the same emotions.
i've thought every thought that was expressed,
i've felt every frustration that was shared and
i've stomped my feet in exactly the same fashion.
but... it still doesn't change the ultimate fact...
i am God's child called to live sacrificially focusing on others...
loving like Jesus!
as the conversation ended with no real conclusion drawn,
i lay and ponder how one could be so selfish.
how could this be the mindset of one we had raised...
and then i must have drifted off to sleep with this as my last thought.
because i awoke later abruptly with the same thought,
and there in the quiet, as i lay with no one else awake...
i heard the voice of my Creator in the depths of my soul...
"that is a picture of you my child!"
the more i thought about it the more it was true...
the same scenario that played out in my office last night,
is a picture of me and my heavenly daddy again and again and again.
me whining and Him reminding...
me whining and Him reminding...
me whining and Him reminding...
"LeAnn this life is not about you, it's about me!"
"so life is not what you thought, i'm in control!"
"you think it's hard, it will be until eternity, i told you that!"
"your tired, so is everybody else!" 
"LeAnn, did you think when i said follow me, deny self, pick up cross...
that those were just ideas, possibilities, a pick and choose...?"
Uggggh!  I hate when i have to be put into place!
Ultimately it came down to one challenging thought,
while Scott and i thought we were trying to lead our child
it was God telling me YET AGAIN I needed to get perspective!
my mind quickly went to Chloe's Sweet 16... (just days ago)

 we did a spa day at the Willis' beginning at 10 a.m.
complete with spa robes, fluffy shoes, pedicures and facials...
(jordan was not happy everyones was clear but hers :)
Chloe's best friend Shelby came...
they watched three movies through the day...
a Chik fil a tray was demolished, and we ended the evening with cake...

as the day came to a close and the girls were headed upstairs
for thier last movie of the night... i noticed Chloe hanging back.
eventually Erik came in the kitchen and Chloe had him translate this...
"i've never had a birthday with family, that was the best part of the day!"
not the gifts, the stuff, the food, the fun... her thanksgiving was about the people around her,
 who although are imperfect, impatient and frustrating at times, they love her!
yep, daddy did it again, He opened my eyes to perspective!
Jesus loved us all the way to the Cross...
How far am i willing to go for another??
She's thankful for family, how often do we take it for granted?
Whining, Wimpy, Selfish mood today... Just a thought to ponder?
What's a little earthly hardship, stretching or change, for a mountain of eternal gain?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

a princess kind of day!

Princess Jordan turned 17!

 waking the sleeping beauty...
blair had the kids participate in a surprise for jordan when she awoke...  
katie bug surprised jordan with a bag of goodies...
which she opened by the pool...

a 24 hour period that was all about her!
yeah i know we go overboard for their birthdays,
but here is what else i know...
the world is harsh and the enemy is real!
as she is coming to the age to make her own decisions
and to extend beyond our constant reach...
i want her to know how very important that she is!
a reminder that even in our frustrations and relentless fussing...
NOTHING can remove her from our love for her. 
But even more than what she means to us,
we want to instill in her the value of her life
to God the Father... she is His Princess...
bought with Jesus' blood!
And nothing is more important than her understanding
and belief in that truth!

Friday, May 31, 2013

a time to love!

to say my house is full of raging hormones is saying it mildly...
they are up then down, happy then mad, laughing then screaming!
we have seven "little to semi grown people" between the ages of 10 and 17
living under one roof... must i say more :)
i ran into a friend yesterday and she said i looked tired...
my response, "yep i am, happy but tired!"
alot of chapters have ended this week and new ones began...
Patrick graduated and turned 18 within 6 days...

*our dear friends, the kennedys, boarded a plane for Germany,
which was incredibly emotional!
*i have finalized ALL the paperwork for everyone at Social Security...
i'll miss my new friends there!
*i believe we have now gotten introductions over in every medical
office in the city of huntsville and some in madison!
*and last but not least... we have brought our home-schooling season
to a permanent close for now!
God has arranged everything in His perfect timing,
whether i get it, understand it or even like it... its perfect!
In Ecclesiastes 3:1 King Solomon writes... "There is a time
for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."
i believe this truth with all my heart!
i wouldn't have been prepared for life today without many
seasons of change, hurt, trial and chaos that have come before. 
Only God knew when i'd be able to navigate the waters i now find myself in. 
Summer has arrived and i am so thrilled!
our first summer all together: its new, weird and exciting all in one.
this is where we will spend most of our time... just being a family:
 learning to love and appreciate each other!

 there are days that are so hard... when i want to question so much...
but on those days God gives me a reminder...
God is love and that is what we are called to do!
If i have realized anything in this season, it is this...
 There is absolutely a time to love more and it is RIGHT NOW :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

communication... what a fragile thing!

so yesterday was our "gotcha" day with erik.
meaning God gifted us with him exactly a year ago!
now understand that our sweet boy does not like anyone to look at him :)
but we in the newsom clan are all about celebrating.
at first we weren't going to do anything,
but then a few days ago we decided we better acknowledge it
even if he got a tad frustrated :)
so....  we had friends coming over for pizza already...
(Love that the Lord is always a step ahead... just so
happens the kennedy's are the friends that have journeyed
the entire process with us as they lived in Brazil).
erik already knew about them coming, so nothing weird there.
jordan ran and ordered a cake yesterday morning
and then made him an incredible card full of pics :)
and that was it... nothing more, nothing less.
everybody swam and ate pizza and ice cream...
we gave him the card and showed him some love...
snapped just 3 pics... and then moved on,
so as to not draw too much attention...

the night ended and the kennedy's left. 

erik and i were standing in the kitchen before he headed to bed
and i asked "did you enjoy the night",
to which he replied... "mom, yeah... but what exactly is gotcha day?"
oh my!  communication is a fragile thing :)

Monday, May 20, 2013


WOW! how quickly everything can change! 
exactly a year ago... five of us boarded a plane to Brazil...
leaving my step-son and a semi-permanent house guest behind...
to unite with others?!
one simple step of obedience...
has led us to a whirlwind of change.
all His perfect plan... but filled with plenty of challenges!

i'd like to tell you that it has all been a bed of roses...
but that would be a lie!
while we've been dancing barefoot through the rose garden 
we've endured some scratches and cuts along the way...
however, its nothing that a dose of God's Word can't heal!

our year has seen...
June 2012 completed one adoption... age 13,
Nov 2012 completed second adoption... age 13,
Mar 2013 completed adoption three and four... ages 11 & 15...
and i'll answer what your thinking...
no we don't smoke crack!

(mothers day update :)

we are a simple family with a simple vision...
honor the Lord with our lives by simply obeying what He asks of us and
doing our best to bring Him Glory as we strive to love like Jesus!

moment of complete honesty...
today alone... i have completely lost it on two of my kids,
been completely annoyed with a third;
told one not to ask another question i did not understand...
while telling another that they were big enough to fix their own dinner,
and a siblings while they were at it...
if that were not enough...
i stated to another that i quit today so wait and ask your father!
so i absolutely win the mom award (bahaha)!
but before you call DHR...
please know that i did it all "in love"
(isn't that how we are told to handle all things)!
NOTHING about being stretched feels good,
but i know it is for my good and for His Glory!
obedience is hard, regardless of the orders...
but every time i believe i cannot do it for another day...
God's strength sustains me yet again!
our days are full of lots of things just like yours...
visits to the school, counseling, drs visits, dentist visits,
lots of food and heightened emotions...
loads of frustration with mom and dad,
unbelievable frustration with rules,
and uncountable moments of prayer!!

interesting thing is...
the harder the day and the greater the cost of obedience...
the deeper i lean into the Lord...
but He knew that about me already!

"For i know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord...
plans to prosper you not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

Regardless of what we face today...
Oh how He loves you and me!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

so thankful!

we have been home a month...
Wow, Wow, Wow, the time has flown!
we are all still adjusting... and blending our family...
and learning how to be one!
the boys are at soccer this afternoon,
so the girls are...

being girls :)
thanks for continued notes, your texts of encouragement,
the meals... and for praying for us...
we are SO grateful for you!
i truly don't know how people
weather seasons of great change without the Lord...
and the people He gifts us with to stand beside us!!
Praying a prayer of thanksgiving today for you friend!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

finding joy in the season...

it is so cool how seasons come and go.
i anticipate them, i look forward to them,
i enjoy them, but then sometimes...
i begrudgingly move into them.
however... regardless of my response...
they come and go as God wills them.
its alot like that in "life" too...
various seasons come and go.
some sad, some happy, some exciting, some boring,
some lively, some more sedate, some loud, some quite...
ALL different... yet purposed!
yesterday we were catching up with some friends,
(it has been a year and a half...)
and i couldn't believe the growth of her treasures...
where had the time gone!!

we played, we laughed, we ate chocolate and we caught up!
i wasn't sad over the time that had gone by...
instead i was excited to catch up!
as i lay in bed last night thinking over the evening...
i began to ponder how many times i've missed the fun
of the new season whining and worrying about
what i might have missed in between.
we are in the honeymoon season with our girls,
we know that for fact...
we are enjoying while it lasts! 
that's not so true with some others...
we celebrated our first gotcha day in march
our second will be in may...
so we are not newbies in this seasonal change...
and aware of each seasons fast and furious departure :)
what keeps us focused and going is that...
no season will last longer than God planned
or will be cut shorter than He purposed,   
or will be more than we can handle with Him at our side!
so... has it been easy... NO!!
has it been fun... NOT ALWAYS!!
but has it been worth it... YES!!
we can't see tomorrow...
because the tide of change hasn't switched from today...
but whatever it holds... we will find JOY in it!
oh too soon we will be looking back...
and wondering where has the time gone!
thanks so much friends for interceding on our behalf,
we feel it!! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

...the greatest of these is love...

on wednesday i went to lunch with a friend from high school.
we haven't seen each other in 25 years...
it was so fun to catch up and reminisce about life!
before we parted ways, she gave me 12 bracelets...
2 for each of my 5 girls and 2 for me...

(yeah Jordan was in the shower so she missed the photo-op)
you can't read the colored bracelets...
but the red has love on it and the blue has hope.
as i was headed home, enjoying the scenery, glancing at the bracelets,
the words Paul penned in 1 Corinthians 13:13 came to mind...
"And now these three remain:  faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love."
as i let the words of truth sink in...
i began to think of all the years i believed love to be a feeling.
which is not truth at all... love is an action!!
when i arrived home and opened the door...
i looked into the faces of a room full of children,
and i was thankful beyond words that God
in His goodness had allowed that truth to resonate!!
we've been home 2 weeks...
its good, its bad, its up and its down...
its frustrating and exciting...
its chaotic and at times confusing!
there is never enough food...
there is no unused floor space...
there is NEVER a quite moment...
and there is no down time...
there is definitely LOVE...
but... only because...