Saturday, March 19, 2011

God has a plan...

when i opened the blog a moment ago and saw over a hundred people had visited today, can i just tell you my heart was overwhelmed.  thank you for your prayers, we feel them.

the blog address i posted earlier was incorrect, it is  So sorry!

today in my time with the Lord i was talking through some pretty tough scenarios.  i was asking Him to reveal Himself to me in light of what was happening;  laying before me was a devotional book and this is what i read for the day: 
"God assures you that for every good work that you attempt, you will never face a shortfall of His grace in order to successfully complete the task God has given you.  What does God want to do in the lives of those around you that waits upon your trust in Him and the removal of your doubts?"

There is no such thing as coincidence, so in light of all that is going on in our small piece of the world i have taken this question to heart. 

As we face the decisions that lay ahead we are praying fervently for God's light.  We began with one, then entered two and now there are four children with broken hearts and beautiful smiles that we are praying for God's direction concerning.  It is easy to say it is not my problem, but isn't it?  God is the decider of our days and what goes on in them.  He has interwoven our lives "for such a time as this".  Now what we do with it all, we don't know.

As a mom my heart is grieving, praying and crying for help.  a young tween should never be faced with these kinds of decisions.  And God has called me to be his mother and i cannot help him. 

Case one is ready for our arrival.  Case two will be handled this week with the social workers continuing to persuade him there is a better life around the corner. 

We know God will not give us more than we can handle. Please pray as we look at all the pieces of the puzzle we would be ready and willing to take the next step as God directs.

i love you all dearly, LeAnn


  1. "God's choices are illogical by the world's standards" That is posted on my computer and it ALWAYS rings SO true! Praying for you ALL.
