
We are an ordinary family serving an extraordinary God.
This is simply a place we share His story as it plays out in our little bit of time here on earth.
Before year 2010 i didn't know an orphan. i didn't know anything about the welfare system
or foster care.  But on February 3rd, God in His great love for me did an 
extraordinary thing... He opened my eyes and heart to a world of children i had never known
before... and i will never be the same!

We have now been through the adoption process 3 times and increased our
forever family by 4.  I am so grateful to each of our eight kids for how they 
change and challenge me.  

I spend my days doing all the same things any other mother does with her kids.
But anytime i am on break, i have the joy of running a non profit,
For Life Ministries, Inc, which was founded with the sole purpose of
being a voice for those with no voice.

We work with families in oppression, orphaned children and those in the foster system.
 Many times various life circumstances and situations leave one feeling outcast. We
are blessed to share the truth of Jesus with them... no one is an outcast... all belong!

For more info... www.forlifeministries.org