Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ready to roll... or fly!

so Popa Mike and Moma Sylvia
have been laying the ground work
for our visit!
as we pray and pack
and pray some more...
we are believing God
for revelation
in how to spread the gospel
even further, by ...
loving one more!
flight time...
tomorrow morning...
Little Edens Children's Home...
here we come!

Monday, November 26, 2012

off to Little edens...

so it was our first Thanksgiving with
Erik and Stephen...
we began by skyping with Emily and Erika...
they are such amazing girls!!
they didn't like the set back either,
february is definitely not december...
but we are all trusting God for
His perfect timing!
we had a house full...
it was chaotic, fun, joyful and sweet!
the boys LOVED all the food,
and fellowship!
we have SO much to be thankful for!
we leave in two days for
Little Edens Children's Home!
please pray for Skyler, Chris and I
as we join Mr. Mike on the ground there...
to pray and plan for the needs of the children
for the upcoming year.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

doing the happy dance :)

well our tickets are bought for brazil!!
not when we had thought...
but when God said :)
as of today...
 February 21st is our official
reunion day with our girls!
we have told Chloe already...
and we will skype with Emily
on Thanksgiving!

yes i have been doing the happy dance :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jesus came for Life...

i really do wish you and i could sit and enjoy a glass of tea
and talk about God's Word....
i am SO relational...
but... due to a variety of reasons... we can't...
so i will simply type my thoughts into cyber space!
the last three years of opening our hearts and home
to adoption has plunged us deep into a daily changing
home environment and a desperate clinging to the Lord!
if i were honest i would have to say...
had i known what would occur when i began the daily prayer...
"Lord, please break my heart for what breaks yours"
i'm not sure i would have been brave enough to...
not only pray it, but really mean it.
it has changed my life...
no... WRECKED my life forever!!
i don't see anything the same anymore!
as i've plunged deeper into the abyss
of surrender with the Lord, falling short daily... 
here is the overwhelming thing i keep coming back to...
Jesus came "For Life"!
God gave the ultimate sacrifice... His Son...
so that we would have the choice of an
eternal life! 
Jesus willingly laid across a wood beam
and was nailed to it...
FOR LIFE...  available for all!
For ALL!!
if He came for life...
and i am made in His image...
and my role here is...
 to become more Christlike...
to bring Glory to His name...
and to make His name known...
i am truly bent low with a heart full
of love and gratitude for the magnitude of
the way i see it...
as i love Him more...
i will love others more...
and be compelled by that love...
to pass on His truth!
it would make sense that i by faith...
would do this in action and behavior...
(faith IS an action word)...
to those that need to know,
or be reminded that... He came...
Jesus came FOR LIFE...
who do you need to tell today?



Friday, November 9, 2012

well it's official....

Stephens adoption was final yesterday!!  woohoo!!
go God and go God and go God and GO GOD!!!
so for a celebratory dinner my boy picked
(a place where you can throw peanuts on the ground)
Logan's  Roadhouse!
the peanuts were so entertaining for Stevie, Gracie and Erik :)
so... as history has shown (and you all well know)...
after all God sized victories...
soon comes a ginormous enemy attack.
today has certainly been filled with them:
all kinds of complications, frustrations and irritations...
concerning travel, dates, costs, and official stuff!
however we know that our God has it under control...
we do not doubt that AT ALL! 

my prayer is that the girls know and believe it too!!
Gracie asked today "could someone else get the girls" 
Uhhhh, No!! 
all the official matching is done.
now it is just a matter of getting the pieces worked out to
get our adoption hearing set and travel plans finalized. 
i can only imagine if Gracie is confused...
how confused must Chloe and Emily be??
please be praying for them and thier hearts,
and all of ours as well!!
we do not believe we are going to get to spend
Christmas with them after all!
we know that God is handling the details...
and i'm sure we will get a memo soon :)
thanks for sticking with us on this journey,
we couldn't do it without you!!