Wednesday, May 30, 2012

so just since friday afternoon...

sorry for the delay in updates... it is a tad bit harder than i realized :) 

so much has happened just since i last updated...
just after i sent the update friday, Leah stepped on a nail and had to go to ER...
she is all good though :)

saturday we went to mcdonalds and to see the avengers (both of which Erik loved)...

Sunday we had an incredible day at the beach...

we made new friends...
however, Erik DID NOT like the water (he has heard stories, so we'll work on this)...
rode the banana boat (all the kids laughed hysterically... its not quite like home :)
and had Sunday brunch right off the side walk...

on monday the social workers came and gave us our schedule for the next few weeks...
it is a FULL schedule...
there are lots of visits to the courthouse and one more home visit...
we will get to visit Eriks sisters on june 6th
we get to take them out for a play day on the 11th!!!
only HE could do something this wild :)

so, on tuesday Erik and Leah had to have shots...
no fun :(

sorry i couldn't get it to flip :(

it was the first real mommy duty i had...
sweet for me BUT not for him!!

and then we went as a family to an amazon jungle preservation...

it has been crazy days...
we are all still adjusting!

i attempted mashed potatoes at lunch today...
not so good :(
i let the potaoes boil almost an hour...
but still they weren't quite done.

i'm so thankful that God gave us the Kennedy's as dear friends...
our house is in thier gated community...
our rental is beside the park, which is awesome for us,
because the kids play right outside our door.

so the girls played some game outside til 9 last night...
Erik stayed outside til 10 playing soccer with friends...
and Jordan got home from Bible study with Bethany at 11...
so scott and i watched return to me...
while we listened to our kids laugh and play...
sweet memories!!

i would lie if i said it is all easy...
because IT IS NOT!!
there are tremendous challenges to an older child adoption...
we are facing them one by one as they present themselves...
BUT it is what God has prepared us for...
so we are enjoying the ride :)

the girls have been troupers!!!!!
the house is about 800 square foot...
so all three of them are in one room :)

we have eaten more meals together than we have
in months at home...
for me the mom, it is GLORIOUS!!!
i love having my little chicks around...

we have been forced back to a simpler way of life...
and honestly it is really nice!!

we have individual interviews tomorrow at 9...
and then friday we have to be at the courthouse at 9 too!
we'll see how these go?!?!

we miss you all so much and are so thankful for your
sweet FB posts!!

Love, The Newsoms

Friday, May 25, 2012

American football :)

so the social worker never came yesterday...
we had a mean game of soccer...

Erik ate bisquits and sausage gravy for the first time...

and our kids played from 4-8 in the pouring rain
and thought it was the best thing ever!!

today we've been to the ER already
(no not one of ours... James had a sinus infection)...

we've been to the mall to have spagetti (Erik's fav)...

and we are now cooking tacos and brownies
(yes i am SO thankful for all that packing)!!

a little while ago Erik went to join a game of American football...

i wonder if football and tacos are too much in one day??
i'll let you know soon :)

we are continuing to adjust to our new surroundings...
the girls still do not like the idea of open windows at night...
the heat here is definitly not good on the hair or complexion...
and there is no tv :) 

washing dishes in cold water is not the norm...
and hot showers are missed...
i'm very thankful for the Kennedy's washer and dryer...
and ipads are the bomb...

i never expected that bug spray would be the new perfume...
and that cooking could be such an adventure...
i've never enjoyed rain so much...
and room temp water... well i've convinced myself it's awesome!!

this is definitly a new way of living for our family...

but honestly i am LOVING
the close quarters
and constant time together...
its been a blast to share this experience together as a family!!

i am certainly coming to terms with how
much stuff we could do without
and be perfectly content!!

in it all...
 the most important thing is...
we see God in every turn, difficulty and new sunrise...
we couldn't do any of it it without Him!

we continue to convet your prayers...
you are certainly here with us!

God knows the plans, we are just along for the ride!!

will update you again soon :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Only God!!!!!

i just have to say... 
i wouldn't trade this journey with the Lord... 
even through all the heartache, tears shed and changed plans!!

God is doing some amazing things in the lives of BOTH boys!!

Please keep praying and AS SOON AS I CAN share... i will...

trust me when i say...
God is showing JUST HOW BIG HE IS

so... we've only been here 2 1/2 days and SO much has already happened!
we all reunited only 45 min after we arrived at the rental :)

PRAISE JESUS for Cindy & Andy and their friend Jenny,
they had already worked on our rental and it was completely 
ready for our stay  (coke, groceries and all!!).

Yesterday we slept in....
then got acclimated to our surroundings...
(in which Gracie took seven really mean fire ant bites to the foot)...
took an emergency trip to the dentist for Jordan...
(her filling in her tooth came out as soon as we arrived and was quite painful)...

AND then...
took a trip to the mall (of course you know we went to McDonald's for Deb and Gracie
and the pizza place for the rest of us)!

SO... today we saw the judge...
we left at 7:30 a.m... to travel 20 miles...
and arrived at 9:00 a.m. :)

we spent a couple of hours there... where Gracie taught Erik the spy eyes 
(yes a proud moment in the courthouse :)
went to eat lunch 
and arrived back at the house in the HOT weather!!

then Erik, Scott and Gracie (and some neighbor boys)
 had a rough game of soccer...
(where Gracie took one in the face)
then they swam in what my girls are calling a storm :)

so... now we've washed clothes at the Kennedy's 
and have ordered pizza... 
it has been a whirlwind... but a GOOD one!

our home visits begin tomorrow...
so we will be up and at them early again tomorrow!

thanks for your prayers...
we feel every one!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thoughts during an eight hour layover...

This past week has been just a little on the hectic side...

As a matter of fact... Right now might be the first time this week I've thought much outside of crisis mode.

So it feels good, yet is scary too... It feels somewhat of a cross between Laying on the table waiting on the birth of one I've waited so long for AND the long anticipated ride to our vacation destination that I've planned and prepared for... The exhaustion, the emotion, the excitement and the fear all collide into one and I'm left speechless!

I've not seen my boys in 27 months... A lot has transpired and changed on both sides!
(I'll post the pic of Erik the day we met (as an 11 yr old boy) on twitter, can't get it to post on the blog)

In barely over 24 hours I will wrap my arms around one... While God has a different plan for the other... Painful but perfect, terrifying but tremendous, heart wrenching but exhilarating!! There is no other like our God! He will walk us through this!!

We will begin our journey with Erik on his turf, in his surroundings... How cool is that!

As tough as the next few days will be, they will also be a mighty reunion!!!!!! One full of laughter and tears, dancing and celebration!! To God be the Glory!!!!

Thanks for coming along!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

wow, it's really happening...

so this is how this adventure begins...

it's only 11:23 p.m,. and we have...

two suburbans packed...

kids all tucked in...

mom & stephen, grant & amanda, occupying and upkeeping the house...

trey caring for the dogs...

tons of family and friends phoning, emailing and texting us...

passports and adoption papers in backpack...

for a trip to the airport at 4:30 a.m...


thanks for going with us :)

The adventure begins...

just to be clear...


and He is moving all the pieces when He says so!!

look what we just got (talking about just in the nic of time :)

so with God on our side...

passports in hand...

and Chacos bought for all travelers... tks Gene and Anissa...
Scott got Keens though:(

what more could we need!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

No such thing as coincidence!

at the same time u began to pray...
our visas were sent from atlanta!!!!!


Prayer warriors we need you!!!!!!!!!!!

we STILL have no visas!!!!!

they were supposed to be mailed from atlanta
wednesday and they still aren't showing up in the system!

pray that God would show us HIS WAY!

Who knew...

ok... so nothing about the past 2 1/2 years has been easy...
but i've held it together (ok i hear some of you snickering :) most of the time...

but who knew that it was the packing that was going to send me over the edge...

7 people in a rental...
2 for 30 days (the rest of us for who knows how long)...
an ocean away...

here is my dining room table...

Cindy and Andy have been working for several days on our rental...
they are laying a floor in the bathroom, have hung curtains, cleaned
and swept out the tarantulas :)

while i, over here, am trying to think for six of us...
(one of whom i haven't seen in 2 1/2 years)
and Deb can think for herself :)
what all we need for 2 months in another country.

yes you see prepacked foods on the table...
we are seriously taking our pop tarts, instant oatmeal,
prepackaged corn bread, biscuits and muffins
and taco fixings...
momma ain't crazy!!

we are day's away from being united...
thanks for sticking with us,
you are an important part of this story!

we are anticipating God in mighty and amazing ways as
His story continues to unfold in these boys lives...

if you want to keep journeying with us...
i am tweeting daily @crazychaos2011
i will be posting pics on instagram at the same address 
i will blog every couple of days
i will facebook only every so often!!

Love to you and yours!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

when His plans are not ours...

as i sat by the pool the other day watching some of my kids playing and laughing...
i could not believe the conversation i was having...
with someone an ocean away...
 it was unbelievable to say the least...

i will only be bringing one home this time!
What God??
as tears fell from my eyes...
i looked around and my eyes fell upon Marlee, one of our four sweet pups,
finding refuge and rest in the shadow of the bush...

and i knew God was speaking over my aching soul Isaiah 91:1...
She "who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest
in the shadow of the Almighty." 

God has this whole adoption in His hand
has had it planned WAY before i came on the scene!!

BUT  the truth of the matter is...
it can be really hard for me to wrap my mind around a situation
when i have painted an ending to a story my way
and my ending and His are entirely different!

Erik will be returning with us (IF God says so) from our time in Brazil,
however, Wendell will not.

The Newsoms and Wendell are forever etched in the other's heart...
BUT God's plan is not for us to be his forever earthly family...
we have the blessing of being his forever "praying" family!

please join us in prayer as we all wrap our minds and hearts around this...
knowing God has the perfect plan and that we can rest in His shadow!

i don't get what all is happening...
but i DO KNOW...
God loves Wendell more than i do...
and He knows the situation...
and He has the best interest of everyone involved at heart!

we all covet your friendship, prayers and support as we prepare to depart this week!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Be present...

we could sure use your prayers... as we again discern God's hand in this all! 

i am trying so hard to be present here and yet my heart is longing to be there (Brazil :) 

i know all the church answers... i am all about God's timing and sovereignty... i know He has it in control... and i know He has the big picture in mind...

however, to be quite humanly honest i am just struggling to hang on! 

the ride is awesome... it's full of adventure and it is worth it...
 but it is HARD...
and seems to get harder by the day!

we were as of this morning scheduled to head that way as of the 21st...
27 months after our filing...
as is our story...
there has been a new development! 

please pray that we listen to God's voice as He speaks over us... that we do as He commands... that we are faithful to His will and His way...
regardless of how we feel!

i never want to be accused of failing to be present...
God has entrusted some incredible treasures to my care and each (here and there) deserve my very best! 

Friday, May 4, 2012

You gotta smile at His timing :)

so we launched for life ministries at camp maranatha...

and had jordan's surprise sweet 16 with her friends...

all in one week...

so we'd be prepared IN CASE we got the call...

and WE DID!!

actually it was wednesday :)

but i didn't want to share until we were beginning to get some dates!!


your dying to know huh??

ok so we will be leaving in a couple of weeks...
we are working on flights now...

so i will let you know as soon as i know the exact date!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


i hope you can hear my voice coming loudly through the screen!!! 


we survived the launch for "for life ministries"!!
what an incredibly GOD FILLED weekend!

words cannot express my gratitude for all those that gave tirelessly to make the
day a go; as well as those who came out in support!

so much time in prayer was spent..
 and information shared about simply loving like Jesus!
and we played hard through it all...

And we rocked too, while we did it all...

Thanks to Ashley, Deanna, Rosemary and BB and the Incredible Band

and to Shaun Groves

if you need more info
Check it out at