Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The end of Summer...

School days usher in the beginning of the close of Summer fun! Homework, activities, school friends and football begin to take over. We wanted one more bash this weekend before the reality of the new school year had taken effect. We swam, we laughed and we ate TONS of chocolate. I wish the boys had been with us... but that wasn't possible (Not this weekend anyway).
For us the end of Summer is exciting because the end of Summer also ushers in the beginning of the end of our adoption process. We are beginning to embark on the final days of waiting. It won't be long now and our boys will be here enjoying lots of new beginnings, days by the pool, lots of laughter and TONS of chocolate. And you know what i know... the wait will have been worth it!
Please pray for the boys first day today of thier new "English school". I know it is scary and wierd for them but oh so good!! We are jazzed about the new possibilities opening up for them and how God is preparing them and us for our reunion.
There is new info coming at us about our "time of wait" that i will share soon, but until i can... i cannot scream loud enough, GOD IS SO FAITHFUL!! LeAnn

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What we know today :)

So sorry about my tardiness with updates!! I have thought about it often, but... then life got in the way!

We've been swimming with friends :)

We've been having lunch with friends :)

We've been bagging flour at the Manna House :)

Although it has been crazy, it is still no excuse for not letting you in on the news. The boys have been granted admission into the "English school". Prayerfully, they will begin NEXT WEEK!!

Right now they have set our approval date for the 2nd of September and our Travel appointment date as of the 9th of September. So... i will let you know if that actually happens.

We have 10 days to respond that we accept them (ARE YOU KIDDING, OF COURSE WE DO!) once we've been sent our travel appointment. Then supposedly everything moves quick. So... we will keep praying, believing and walking forward!

Thanks for sticking with us! LeAnn

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Oh you of little faith, why do you doubt?"

In scripture over and over again Jesus spoke to His disciples, as well as others, about thier lack of faith which was evidenced by thier doubting.  Can i just say that is ME and ME and then ME again, that He continues today to speak over. 

It is embarrassing to say, but I can have my date with my daddy in the wee hours of the morning, with my Bible in one hand and my tea in the other, and it be rich in growth.  I can be filled to the brim with Him and arise from my prayer position believing and strong.  I can sing songs of praise to Him as i get ready and adore Him with every breath i have.  And still yet, somehow, someway as the heaviness of the day takes a toll, as the waves continue to pound minute after minute, hour after hour, i find myself douting, wavering, knocked down with my breath gone and my belief teetering.  When i find myself yet here again, it takes me a second to wrap my mind around what has subtly happened, express my repentance for my unbelief and grab hold of the truth i know; 
So i had just had one of these moments yesterday where i was rehearsing the truth i knew when i got an incredible call that i am overjoyed to share with you my prayer partners. 

Our South American approval date has been set for Friday September 2nd.  They have begun to prepare the boys for thier transfer from South to North America, which obviously includes bridging the communication gap. 

We have been told that the social worker is trying to get a green light on some "intense" English training as well as some cultural exposure for the boys.  So as our journey has faithfully been, we are in the wait yet again for an answer. 

So... the estimation is that we will be on ground within the month of September to reunite our family members here with 2 more of our members who are living (for the moment) there.  However, we are thinking more like October might be a more feasible estimation.  But September would be glorious!!

I cannot begin to imagine thier anxiety over this HUGE change in thier lives.  Please join us in praying over thier preparations.  GOD HAS MOVED INCREDIBLE MOUNTAINS!

Everytime i doubt, it brings a level of embarrassment with it.  This journey has been chalked full of unbelievable, unimaginable and unfathomable God moments!  We have sat on the front row and watched mountains move at the sound of God's voice. 

I wish i could sit across from each of you and share the entire story, but that is not possible today.  But what i will share of the story is that i have learned and can say with the utmost of belief and authority that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!!  i've seen it again and again with my own eyes!  it doesn't matter what the world around you says, ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT GOD SAYS!

I love you so much my friend, i can feel your prayers!  LeAnn

Monday, August 15, 2011

Life continues to move forward!

I didn't realize how long it has been since i updated, so sorry.  I went back today and read through some of my previous blogs.  One particular one caught my attention, it is dated Saturday June 11 entitled "it won't be long now...".  I got a great chuckle out of it as i read it. At the time we really believed by the way things were going that we would be on the ground by the end of July, well i guess you have it figured out along with us, THAT DIDN"T HAPPEN!

Wow at the difference 2 months can make.  God has and continues to humble me with how little i really know.  He continues to show me how Big He is and how small i am.  He continues to grow me a little more everyday.  He continues to break my heart for what breaks His.  He continues to change my perspective and break me of my selfishness a little more everyday. 

See to be quite honest somewhere in the beginning of this process as i wrapped my mind around the addition of 2 family members i had some really self absorbed shallow thoughts of how things were going to change and sacrifices were going to have to be made.  Then as God allowed us to view the next part of the plan, 2 more additional family members, i had some REAL SELFISH struggles going on.  i really wanted to be obedient, but if i were completly TRUTHFUL... only until it hurt. 

See i was trying to figure out how i could obey God with my life, while all the while really not changing anything.  i had agreed to God's plan and was excited about the adventure of it, yet in my heart i really didn't want to make any substantial changes to me or my family.  And honestly as i've looked back over my life, and read again through the stories in scripture, i don't believe that is God's way.  i believe, and see it evidenced all throughout "HIS story", a step of radical obedience often ushers in radical change.

What God has commanded of our family requires major change and i REALLY only wanted to do the minor ones.  So... somewhere over the past few months as i've faced off with God (on more than one occasion) over my stubborness, He began to melt the barriers i had built around our fortress.  As i bowed low before Him, He began to put it all in perspective for me.  WHO HE IS and who i am.  How little i understand about the big picture and how HE HAS IT ALL UNDER CONTROL.

I no longer require the things i once required, or even want the things i once thought important.  i no longer think with the same thought processes i once thought with.  i'm no where near the same person i was just months ago, PRAISE THE LORD!  And... i've had to endure a hard painful lesson along the way; change can be unnerving for those around you.

God gave His all for me and He deserves no less in return.  So... where i got off thinking obedience was a sacrifice... is so sad.  Obedience is a gift of gratitude and thanksgiving i can give back to my King.  NOTHING is too much for the one who GAVE IT ALL for me.So with new perspective life continues to move forward. 

Now with all that said, here is our update:  we have no idea IF OR WHEN God will unite us with our newest family members BUT... what we do know is that we will continue to worship and believe Him.  We have no new information on our process, so we will choose today to lean hard into God for continued perseverance and endurance through a long time of wait :)  

Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers as we live, love and learn!   LeAnn

FYI:  God in all His goodness kept us busy on Friday (the day of our "supposed approval") with an incredible celebration of yet another birthday!  Skyler turned 12!  So in wild Newsom style we played at Six Flags for 2 days and of course ended with a breakfast at Little Rosies!  We are SO BLESSED!


Friday, August 5, 2011

We're Still Waiting...

So before i go any further i will go ahead and make the assessment outloud so others won't have to say it (all of which i've heard said to my face or through the grapevine);

i know i need therapy
i know I have a whacked out sense of humor
i know my house is chaotic and loud all the time
i know what we are doing doesn't make any earthy sense
i know i have more faith than brains
i know that loving change is wierd
i know i'm a dreamer
and i know my dreams are bigger than what seems like my reality.


i know my God is BIG
i know my God CAN DO ALL THINGS
i know everyday i am given is A GIFT
i know it is MY CHOICE how i choose to embrace the struggles of this thing called life
i know that what God says IS TRUE
i know the STRENGTH of my God and a good laugh can help me see things clearer
and i know that what can be seen with my earthly eyes is ABSOLUTLY NOT ALL THAT IS GOING ON, God IS working behind the scenes. 

So now i have to share with you, with joy in my heart and a spring in my step, that we are simply still waiting, still believing and still loving as we wait!!  My joy is from the Lord, not the happenings around me.  And i love that He knows when i need a kick of reminding :)

At just the time i needed a kick, I came home to these pictures that Jordan and her friend Abbie, Skyler and Gracie had worked hard in the 100 degree weather to surprise me with.

These are priceless to me.  Yes we are still waiting, BUT God is good, so much more than i deserve!  So i will continue to believe in His sovereignty and find joy in the day He's blessed me with, regardless of what others think of me or think of what i choose to do!  

Thanks friends for sticking by us on this journey, I truly love you with my whole heart!  LeAnn

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

His waters do not fail!

My memory verse for this week is from Isaiah, it is found in ch 58, verse 11, it reads, "The Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your soul in drought and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail." 

Even in light of the truths that i know, there are days I get out of bed feeling dry and worn out.   I've had a few of those lately.  On these days i find myself rolling onto my knees and then falling face first before the Lord.  This is one of those days!

However, in all honesty i have to say i do not feel overwhelmed much longer after BEING ABSORBED IN HIS PRESENCE!!!  He is so faithful!  He is my living water, and His waters DO NOT FAIL! 

Because He meets with each of us as we call on Him right where we are, then i believe the way He waters our weary souls is different.  I'll share just a couple of my waterings lately :)


LAUGHTER and lots of it!  (I was late coming out of the church building Sunday night as usual and this is the picture the family sent me)!

And last but certainly not least, SIMPLICITY!  God has been impressing this on our family in every area of life. 

I read in the magazine called Journey just this morning this:  "I think we live too often on spin cycle, our lives wound around the wringer.  God wants one to do what He has gifted one for and not try to be doing everything."  What a joy to no longer feel compelled to be on the performance wheel!

Hoping your day is filled to overflowing with the all consuming water that HE ABSOLUTLY CAN PROVIDE!!    LeAnn