Thursday, August 2, 2012

accepting with praise, what i don't understand!

God continues to turn my world upside down...
and nothing about it feels good,
yet i will choose to PRAISE HIM!

Skyler and i were scheduled to leave for Africa
tomorrow with a team to do vbs with a group of orphans...
but the plan changed...
 we bought tickets to leave tomorrow for Brazil
to pick up Chloe and Emily...
but the plan changed...

all because... God said so!!

i don't understand anything at the moment...
my heart is breaking and aching...
my flesh longs to make sense of it all..
but my Spirit knows He's got it...

so i will simply sit again in the wait...
trusting and praising Him.

1 comment:

  1. I am understanding more and more in the waiting... My God is glorified. Hang in there sweet friend. I love you and am praying for you.

