I am so sorry i have been delayed in updating you all! Thanks for your patience.
I don't know what thoughts conjure up in your mind when you hear the statement "blonder than i pay to be", but for me it is absolutely true! i can even tell you that in many instances this is a joyous truth in my life. if you add on top of this that i am incredibly ADD then you can imagine that it is an adventure around our house. i live by sticky notes (do i have any soul mates out there?). Now top those two truths off with the fact that i love to live life to the fullest, with full - all out acceleration at every turn, and i bet you wouldn't need help coming to the conclusion that we do not have alot of dull moments in our house.
i'll share a couple of pictures to show how this has passed down the generation line:
Jordan and Hannah participating in spagetti eating at Camp with no utensils!
Sklyer preparing to take flight as Super girl at Six Flags!
Gracie and Abby rocking out as the next girl wonders!
This life was meant to live in abundance!!
But let me be quite honest for a moment, as we continue in the wait, the truth is i have to go before the Lord every morning to "fill up" on His goodness so that i do not spend my days pining away about the constant "hurry up and wait" mode we find ourselves in. It is a frustration that given the opportunity could steal my joy. Look above at all the good stuff i'd miss if i allowed myself to get caught up in the momentary trials, if i afforded myself the enemies comfort of walking around irritated.
We miss our boys and we want to bring them home, but... not til God says so. For whatever reason, God in His sovereignty, has chosen to push our travel dates back again. So... we have no idea what this truly looks like. We are expecting sometime in July, but... He alone knows. And i am truly ok with that.
I was reading in Oswald Chambers this morning (on the wrong day of course, LOL) and this is what i read:
"Our heavenly Father knows our circumstances and if we will stay focused on Him, instead of our circumstances, we will grow spiritually."
I have found this to be true. Every morning since February of last year when our family began this journey, i arise and go before His throne and empty my heart out before Him concerning the circumstances and allow Him to realign my focus and perspective and i truly believe i stand up a tiny step further in my journey of knowing Him more. So i'd have to say the waiting period has been worth it.
Today as i head out to the door to be the light of Jesus wherever He places me, i am making the choice to focus upward knowing He is in control as opposed to outward where it can look alot like chaos. I don't need to take hold of the control strings, God has got this one, it is all as it should be!!
It means the world to our family for you to take this journey with us! Thank you! LeAnn