Friday, November 18, 2011

just relax...

i don't know about you but when someone tells me to "just relax" it is not usually because they are trying to be thoughtful :)  I'm not very good at it, yet often it is exactly what i need to do.  this morning i had just gotten all three girls stationed in their school space with their assignments for the hour in front of them when i decided I'd JUST RELAX.   well that lasted about 10 minutes before my eyes rested on a photo of one of our boys and my mind went crazy with thoughts like:  will the judge look at our paperwork today?  will the boys hear that we've been pronounced their parents?  will we be traveling in January?  who should i email or call to find out?  and i could list 20 more questions that sound something of the same...  i began struggling to "take every thought captive and obedient to Christ"...  and as i began to seek Him for help... my eyes fell on two of the sweetest pics...

of our four shih-tzu's, these two: daisy and cookie, were in immediate eye shot... now they are relaxed!

it didn't take but a minute as i stared at them before i felt God move within my Spirit as He spoke over me...  and this is what i heard:  "what makes them just relax LeAnn?  is it that they trust you!  they trust you to feed them, to comfort them, to protect them and to care for them...  they have experience with you and know you are their care giver... so when you are near... they can relax!  I AM WITH YOU ALL THE TIME!  you can trust me... i will feed you, comfort you, protect you and care for you... you have experience with me as your caregiver... i will never leave your side so just relax!!  I'm over the situation and in control, so just relax!"

i began to feel my shoulders ease and my bite loosen... being anxious today will do nothing for the situation... emailing and calling around will do nothing but frustrate all the officials... BUT trusting in the Lord... crying out TO HIM on their behalf... and then relaxing and letting Him handle all the details... now that is my best course of defense for all I'm going to take my cue from the pups!

if the courts met today i will let you know, otherwise next Friday would be the next possible date :)


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