Wednesday, December 5, 2012

beautiful people!

there is no doubt we are among
the most hospitable people in the world.

when Jesus said Love God with all you got,
and love others as yourself...
they took the command to heart!

it has truly made all three of us look
at how we treat others,
how frustrated we get when others
aren't doing it our way,
and how our frustrations really do
show our selfishness.

the children cannot wait to comb your hair,
hug your neck, or build your fire.
i don't even have words for the incredible
labors of the staff and older kids.
every smile is genuine and kind,
every gesture loving and unpretentious.

my heart is sad when i think of all the
conveniences i have but how little i do,
when i see how little they have and how much they do!

it will be my blessing to join with the Edens
and all their supporters (many of you),
to get this boys dorm built.
(i will post pictures on for life's facebook page)

we are so fortunate to have the blessing
of spending weeks with the most
beautiful people...
inside and out!

after the staff and kids share with us...
 the most amazing worship i have ever heard,
we return to our dorm and drift to sleep
listening to the animals outside and
the crackle of the fire... while
watching the glowing embers light up the room.

we awaken to the sound of  the roosters
the kids already busy outside,
and Anne working away in the kitchen.
i'm not sure it gets much better than this!

as i look out over the landscape
i have no doubt the Lord is here!


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