Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I confess that Scott and I are... a tad bit pampered!
Without air conditioning we have not been sleeping well :)

So... Yesterday after interviews we decided
go eat as a celebration and then go to a movie.
The movie was in Portuguese so that the girls would enjoy.

As we were exiting the theatre
Scott asked how I enjoyed the movie... To which I replied,
"I missed all but the last 20 min, How about you?"
He laughed and said "I only caught the last 30."
BUT the kids loved it:)

Today the washing machine man came, PTL!!
I washed 3 loads of really smelly clothes as soon as he left.
We hung them out to dry 4 times...
But it's rainy season, so 4 times we brought them in.
They are still wet and are now decorating
Our table, doors and anything else we could find.

We did have some chicken and beef tacos...
And some brownies (yes I brought pkgs from home :)
So we needed the exercise... God just helped us out!

I got shocked several times today on the stove...
But the last one caused tingling up my arm
and in my ear for a while...
I think we'll call an electrician?!?!

Erik translated some GREAT conversation
Between Chloe and I, about moms and dads role
In the family and a child's role.
I think it went well.

Erik beat us all again at rummikub...
And Chloe got caught in the shower for the 2nd
Time when the water shut off :(

And... Emily and Chloe for the first time
Have separated and are trying to sleep by
Themselves in their own rooms!!!!

All in all I think we are making PROGRESS,

You know over the years of growing in The Lord,
I have become keenly aware that He doesn't waste anything we go thru...
And it's all for our growth, maturity, character building and His glory!
And typically I'm cool with that.

But I have to tell you honestly...
I've been asking if the coming adventures and growth scenarios,
Might come with less Mosquitos and more air conditioning!!

I'm really not sure what His answer might be :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Continuing from earlier post...

What we are learning about Him!

The blessings we are getting
By far outweighs the momentary troubles!!

So... We have an interview in the morning
With the social workers!

We have had many helpers over here
And stateside... Walking alongside of us!
We can't thank you enough!!

And we know this  too shall pass...
And we will be stronger for it!!

We love you and covet your prayers!!

The truth!!

So you want to know the truth?
I am tired and...
simply putting one foot in front of the other

How much difference 6 days can make...
I woke this am... Hot, mosquito bit and in culture shock...
Overwhelmed and frustrated!

i came down the stairs to fix breakfast,
Clean the WHITE tile floors again
(Yes it's rainy season),
And prepare for the lawyers visit
To talk over a missing document.

That's when I realized we were out of water,
Had forgotten the muffin pan,
And there was no relief from the heat...

At one point Scott approached me in the kitchen,
"Are you ok?"
The only truthful words I could say were...
"I am working it out with The Lord!"

Please don't misunderstand
gratefulness and humanity!!
My humanity is weak and lacking,
But not my gratefulness!!
I am so grateful that I have a daddy who hears!

When I finally sat down and picked up
His love letter to me, tucked in we're these words,
(In Jeremiah 33:3),  The Lord said....
" to me and I will answer you and tell you
Great and unsearchable things you do not know."

He never promised obedience would be easy!
But He did say He wouldn't turn a deaf ear
Or abandon us in it.
So I will have to call out and rest!

Our call takes us to a different home for a while...
There are missionaries that do it for years!
Our call separates our family for a while...
Military personnel do it for years!
I could go on, but you get it.
I just need perspective!

God is continuing to stretch my character
And grow me up in Him.
While it hurts and can be isolating...
I wouldn't trade

Friday, February 22, 2013

relaxing in God...

the older i get...
the more i realize how little i know!
we had in our minds eye
what this trip would look like...
we were SO WRONG!
absolutely nothing has been as we thought,
but so much better :)
we arrived yesterday at the airport...
greeted by Jenny, Paul and Hosa
(friends introduced by the Kennedys).
after 24 hours in an airport or in the air,
it was time to get this show on the road!
little did we know that God had...
planned a detour for us!
within an hour we found out
this go round would look very different.
can i just say...
 HIS plans are so much better than ours...
different, but so much better!
i have felt God's hand every step of the way...
each time i've been caught off guard,
thrown for a loop,
or down right speechless...
i've had to let go of the control strings and,
 just relax into HIM. 
we got the girls today...
Praise the Lord,
our 30 days have begun!
i cannot explain what has transpired in the last 60 hrs...
we have made incredible lifelong friends,
we are being stretched and molded,
we have learned tons of new things,
and we have been reunited with our 2 girls,
while missing all our others...
what a wild ride!!
here's all i can say for sure...
life will never be the same again,
but relaxing into God is a whole lot easier
than trying to do things my way!
thank you for continuing to pray...
will update soon :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

So many emotions...

i am filled with so many emotions as we prepare
to fly across the ocean...
excitement, fear, humility, anticipation...
and heartache!
(jordan surprised me at Bible study tonight with this :)
while i couldn't be more excited to be reunited
with my daughters...
i am filled with all kind of raw emotions at
being separated from my other children
for so long!
only a gracious Father would give such
amazing blessing where none is due!
God has paved the road before us...
and i know He will care for the flock behind,
momma here just needs to let go!
i trust Him, i believe Him, now...
it's time to relax into Him!
tomorrow begins the next leg of the journey...
friday begins our court appointments...
8:00 am... and we begin again!
we covet your prayers!!
we can't thank you enough
 for walking beside us!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Big 14!

yep, he turned 14 today!!

(Deb took the pic so she could get out of it!)
it has been 3 years (to the day) since i laid eyes on Erik...

i am so grateful for God's gift!
it was a long journey to be reunited
but... now...
it is as if he has always been here :)
it was fun to watch him enjoy
his first birthday celebration... 
we woke him up with doughnuts in bed...
by singing,
we spent the morning at church,
we went out to eat at his fav restaurant,
we called the girls,
and he enjoyed hearing their voices,
we spent the evening at church,
then he hung at the super bowl party...
and all the while, his pal Rily never left his side!
all i can say is that
i am incredibly overwhelmed...
 at God's goodness!!