it is so cool how seasons come and go.
i anticipate them, i look forward to them,
i enjoy them, but then sometimes...
i begrudgingly move into them.
however... regardless of my response...
they come and go as God wills them.
its alot like that in "life" too...
various seasons come and go.
some sad, some happy, some exciting, some boring,
some lively, some more sedate, some loud, some quite...
ALL different... yet purposed!
yesterday we were catching up with some friends,
(it has been a year and a half...)
and i couldn't believe the growth of her treasures...
where had the time gone!!
we played, we laughed, we ate chocolate and we caught up!
i wasn't sad over the time that had gone by...
instead i was excited to catch up!
as i lay in bed last night thinking over the evening...
i began to ponder how many times i've missed the fun
of the new season whining and worrying about
what i might have missed in between.
we are in the honeymoon season with our girls,
we know that for fact...
we are enjoying while it lasts!
that's not so true with some others...
we celebrated our first gotcha day in march
our second will be in may...
so we are not newbies in this seasonal change...
and aware of each seasons fast and furious departure :)
what keeps us focused and going is that...
no season will last longer than God planned
or will be cut shorter than He purposed,
or will be more than we can handle with Him at our side!
so... has it been easy... NO!!
has it been fun... NOT ALWAYS!!
but has it been worth it... YES!!
we can't see tomorrow...
because the tide of change hasn't switched from today...
but whatever it holds... we will find JOY in it!
oh too soon we will be looking back...
and wondering where has the time gone!
thanks so much friends for interceding on our behalf,
we feel it!!