Saturday, April 20, 2013

finding joy in the season...

it is so cool how seasons come and go.
i anticipate them, i look forward to them,
i enjoy them, but then sometimes...
i begrudgingly move into them.
however... regardless of my response...
they come and go as God wills them.
its alot like that in "life" too...
various seasons come and go.
some sad, some happy, some exciting, some boring,
some lively, some more sedate, some loud, some quite...
ALL different... yet purposed!
yesterday we were catching up with some friends,
(it has been a year and a half...)
and i couldn't believe the growth of her treasures...
where had the time gone!!

we played, we laughed, we ate chocolate and we caught up!
i wasn't sad over the time that had gone by...
instead i was excited to catch up!
as i lay in bed last night thinking over the evening...
i began to ponder how many times i've missed the fun
of the new season whining and worrying about
what i might have missed in between.
we are in the honeymoon season with our girls,
we know that for fact...
we are enjoying while it lasts! 
that's not so true with some others...
we celebrated our first gotcha day in march
our second will be in may...
so we are not newbies in this seasonal change...
and aware of each seasons fast and furious departure :)
what keeps us focused and going is that...
no season will last longer than God planned
or will be cut shorter than He purposed,   
or will be more than we can handle with Him at our side!
so... has it been easy... NO!!
has it been fun... NOT ALWAYS!!
but has it been worth it... YES!!
we can't see tomorrow...
because the tide of change hasn't switched from today...
but whatever it holds... we will find JOY in it!
oh too soon we will be looking back...
and wondering where has the time gone!
thanks so much friends for interceding on our behalf,
we feel it!! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

...the greatest of these is love...

on wednesday i went to lunch with a friend from high school.
we haven't seen each other in 25 years...
it was so fun to catch up and reminisce about life!
before we parted ways, she gave me 12 bracelets...
2 for each of my 5 girls and 2 for me...

(yeah Jordan was in the shower so she missed the photo-op)
you can't read the colored bracelets...
but the red has love on it and the blue has hope.
as i was headed home, enjoying the scenery, glancing at the bracelets,
the words Paul penned in 1 Corinthians 13:13 came to mind...
"And now these three remain:  faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love."
as i let the words of truth sink in...
i began to think of all the years i believed love to be a feeling.
which is not truth at all... love is an action!!
when i arrived home and opened the door...
i looked into the faces of a room full of children,
and i was thankful beyond words that God
in His goodness had allowed that truth to resonate!!
we've been home 2 weeks...
its good, its bad, its up and its down...
its frustrating and exciting...
its chaotic and at times confusing!
there is never enough food...
there is no unused floor space...
there is NEVER a quite moment...
and there is no down time...
there is definitely LOVE...
but... only because...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Living the dream!

I am overwhelmed with gratitude....
Rendered speechless at the grace of my Lord!

Understand I am a simple minded
girl from a very simple upbringing.

i spent hours through the years
dreaming of adventure and joyful bliss.
I would be a Princess and I would follow
my Prince to the end of the earth.  He
Would supply all my needs before I
Knew I had a need :)

And as I lay staring out my window in Rio
I had a realization... I'm living His dream
In my heart!!

Today as God has turned the page of
This chapter that began 3 years, 1 month
And 9 days ago... I can't help but to
Allow the story to sink in.

I am a Princess and I have a Prince.
The deeper I've chosen to surrender
The further in adventure I've gone.
I will follow Him anywhere...
Which brings me to this very moment
In Rio de Janiero... Laying across the
Bed staring at the ocean.  Listening to
The sweet sound of Portuguese bounce
Off the walls.

You couldn't have convinced me
That going into my 45th year of life
I would have doubled my household
In a 12 month period.  Honestly I
Would have thought you needed
medication (and lots of it).

But... Today I can tell you that
I lay here in a state of joyful bliss.
Overwhelmed by His goodness
That I don't deserve.  I have lived
An adventure like no other I've
Ever known.

I have been afforded a luxury I
Don't deserve... To give away
Unconditional love for no other
Reason except that He loved me first!
Mind blowing!!

I am SO grateful for the treasures
God has allowed me to care for!
I am so glad He knew what I needed
And directed me... because in my flesh
I'm way to scared :).

As I glance back... As I reflect...
I have to admit...
I've become a Jesus Junkie...
Yep, I said it... A full blown addict!

I can't get enough of Him.
Ok, status quo, doing the norm...
NONE of that is ok with me anymore!

I want to live on the edge...
Walk on the water...
Soar on the wings of eagles..
I want to give when I have nothing left...
AND... It's  all possible for him who believes!!


I want to love the unloved!
I want to care for the orphan!
I want to reach the unreached!
I want to do what others won't attempt!
I want to sit with the widow!
I want my time to make a difference!

I want to love like Jesus!!
Nothing more, nothing less!

3 years of refiners fire has burned away
The extra for me... I know what I want...
How about you?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Almost there!!

So after 9 shots between them, bloodwork,
A chest X-ray and doctorS appts...
I think we are ready for the embassy
At 9 am in the morning!!

Deb has been a trouper chauffeuring
Us all around since arriving on friday
Here in Rio!

We left at 7:45 this morning and didn't
Make it back to the hotel until close to 5.

So Emmy has had a chest cold, but we got
Some meds today! PTL!  So hopefully after
Several doses of meds and a good nights
Sleep... maybe tomorrow will be a turning
Point for her.

Chloe is settling in to the beginnings of her
New life as well as can be expected.  She
Spoke several "English" words today without
Prompting... So I think we are making progress :)

My mom is happy to be back at home in her bed...
And Scott is glad to be back at work.  Timing
Was good for both :)

When I skyped home tonight .. The kids all looked
Very well fed.   (Thank you all SO much)!
It was sweet to see Erik back in the Middle
of the bunch.

So... After 3 years of constant ups and downs...
and 40 days of a very different normal...
It is almost serile to see the distant light
At the end of this particular tunnel.

I am ready to bring closure to this chapter...
But have learned the hard way to sit back
And let God turn the page.

So from where I sit tonight... It looks like
Tomorrow at the embassy will be a success...
And we will pick up our paperwork wed
And then board a plane that evening...
And be reunited with our family on Thursday.

But...I will let you know for sure after the final
Writing is on the paper :)

In the meantime... We continue  to covet your
prayers for the finalization of the process!