Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Living the dream!

I am overwhelmed with gratitude....
Rendered speechless at the grace of my Lord!

Understand I am a simple minded
girl from a very simple upbringing.

i spent hours through the years
dreaming of adventure and joyful bliss.
I would be a Princess and I would follow
my Prince to the end of the earth.  He
Would supply all my needs before I
Knew I had a need :)

And as I lay staring out my window in Rio
I had a realization... I'm living His dream
In my heart!!

Today as God has turned the page of
This chapter that began 3 years, 1 month
And 9 days ago... I can't help but to
Allow the story to sink in.

I am a Princess and I have a Prince.
The deeper I've chosen to surrender
The further in adventure I've gone.
I will follow Him anywhere...
Which brings me to this very moment
In Rio de Janiero... Laying across the
Bed staring at the ocean.  Listening to
The sweet sound of Portuguese bounce
Off the walls.

You couldn't have convinced me
That going into my 45th year of life
I would have doubled my household
In a 12 month period.  Honestly I
Would have thought you needed
medication (and lots of it).

But... Today I can tell you that
I lay here in a state of joyful bliss.
Overwhelmed by His goodness
That I don't deserve.  I have lived
An adventure like no other I've
Ever known.

I have been afforded a luxury I
Don't deserve... To give away
Unconditional love for no other
Reason except that He loved me first!
Mind blowing!!

I am SO grateful for the treasures
God has allowed me to care for!
I am so glad He knew what I needed
And directed me... because in my flesh
I'm way to scared :).

As I glance back... As I reflect...
I have to admit...
I've become a Jesus Junkie...
Yep, I said it... A full blown addict!

I can't get enough of Him.
Ok, status quo, doing the norm...
NONE of that is ok with me anymore!

I want to live on the edge...
Walk on the water...
Soar on the wings of eagles..
I want to give when I have nothing left...
AND... It's  all possible for him who believes!!


I want to love the unloved!
I want to care for the orphan!
I want to reach the unreached!
I want to do what others won't attempt!
I want to sit with the widow!
I want my time to make a difference!

I want to love like Jesus!!
Nothing more, nothing less!

3 years of refiners fire has burned away
The extra for me... I know what I want...
How about you?

1 comment:

  1. You are a great writer!!!

    Keep up the good work
