Friday, April 19, 2013

...the greatest of these is love...

on wednesday i went to lunch with a friend from high school.
we haven't seen each other in 25 years...
it was so fun to catch up and reminisce about life!
before we parted ways, she gave me 12 bracelets...
2 for each of my 5 girls and 2 for me...

(yeah Jordan was in the shower so she missed the photo-op)
you can't read the colored bracelets...
but the red has love on it and the blue has hope.
as i was headed home, enjoying the scenery, glancing at the bracelets,
the words Paul penned in 1 Corinthians 13:13 came to mind...
"And now these three remain:  faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love."
as i let the words of truth sink in...
i began to think of all the years i believed love to be a feeling.
which is not truth at all... love is an action!!
when i arrived home and opened the door...
i looked into the faces of a room full of children,
and i was thankful beyond words that God
in His goodness had allowed that truth to resonate!!
we've been home 2 weeks...
its good, its bad, its up and its down...
its frustrating and exciting...
its chaotic and at times confusing!
there is never enough food...
there is no unused floor space...
there is NEVER a quite moment...
and there is no down time...
there is definitely LOVE...
but... only because...


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