Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Holding me accountable!

I sure hope this doesn't offend anyone because that would not be my intention at all.  Instead i hope it spurs us on.  My birthday was this past week and some friends of mine surprised me with a get together in honor of the boys arrival.  They had compiled some things that would be helpful during and after our trip to Brazil.  But one particular gift i must share with you and that is pictured above.  My dear friend Anissa is holding my feet to the fire.  On March 25th i wrote that this is where i've found myself these days; at a place of putting my big girl, wierd, radical panties on, and her family decided they would help me stay true to that statement.  This gift has brought such a chuckle to our family, but it has also brought a warm fuzzy in my heart. 

As believers we are called to "spur one another on" to good deeds.  There have been good days and bad through this whole process.  And as you read yesterday, it was a tough one.  How cool is is it that God in His infinite wisdom, knowing how bad i would need to be reminded of my conviction on Monday, gave me a friend on Sunday that put a visual reminder in my hand.  I continue to laugh as i prepare for what lies ahead today.

There is no going back...  i choose God's path..  1000 times and more!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE THIS BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!!
