Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh but i can...

I woke up this morning with fresh new fears and an overwhelming sense of inadequacy.  "I can't do this, my mind screams", as i crawl to my knees to meet Him.  And He is there, 'Not you my daughter but I', i hear Him whisper to my soul.  "Thank you my Lord" my heart cries out and my soul begins to settle.  My heart slows down a beat as the memories of His faithfulness rush in and my thoughts begin to make sense again.  My mind is flooded with tender thoughts of His hand holding me up time and time again.  The enemy has now lost his grip, i relax in the Masters grasp; "Oh but i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!", i repeat again and again until the belief once again settles over me.  It is a daily battle... but with Christ on my side, it is one i will win again and again. 


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