I didn't realize how long it has been since i updated, so sorry. I went back today and read through some of my previous blogs. One particular one caught my attention, it is dated Saturday June 11 entitled "it won't be long now...". I got a great chuckle out of it as i read it. At the time we really believed by the way things were going that we would be on the ground by the end of July, well i guess you have it figured out along with us, THAT DIDN"T HAPPEN!
Wow at the difference 2 months can make. God has and continues to humble me with how little i really know. He continues to show me how Big He is and how small i am. He continues to grow me a little more everyday. He continues to break my heart for what breaks His. He continues to change my perspective and break me of my selfishness a little more everyday.
See to be quite honest somewhere in the beginning of this process as i wrapped my mind around the addition of 2 family members i had some really self absorbed shallow thoughts of how things were going to change and sacrifices were going to have to be made. Then as God allowed us to view the next part of the plan, 2 more additional family members, i had some REAL SELFISH struggles going on. i really wanted to be obedient, but if i were completly TRUTHFUL... only until it hurt.
See i was trying to figure out how i could obey God with my life, while all the while really not changing anything. i had agreed to God's plan and was excited about the adventure of it, yet in my heart i really didn't want to make any substantial changes to me or my family. And honestly as i've looked back over my life, and read again through the stories in scripture, i don't believe that is God's way. i believe, and see it evidenced all throughout "HIS story", a step of radical obedience often ushers in radical change.
What God has commanded of our family requires major change and i REALLY only wanted to do the minor ones. So... somewhere over the past few months as i've faced off with God (on more than one occasion) over my stubborness, He began to melt the barriers i had built around our fortress. As i bowed low before Him, He began to put it all in perspective for me. WHO HE IS and who i am. How little i understand about the big picture and how HE HAS IT ALL UNDER CONTROL.
I no longer require the things i once required, or even want the things i once thought important. i no longer think with the same thought processes i once thought with. i'm no where near the same person i was just months ago, PRAISE THE LORD!
And... i've had to endure a hard painful lesson along the way; change can be unnerving for those around you.
God gave His all for me and He deserves no less in return. So... where i got off thinking obedience was a sacrifice... is so sad. Obedience is a gift of gratitude and thanksgiving i can give back to my King. NOTHING is too much for the one who GAVE IT ALL for me.So with new perspective life continues to move forward.
Now with all that said, here is our update: we have no idea IF OR WHEN God will unite us with our newest family members BUT... what we do know is that we will continue to worship and believe Him. We have no new information on our process, so we will choose today to lean hard into God for continued perseverance and endurance through a long time of wait :)
Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers as we live, love and learn! LeAnn
FYI: God in all His goodness kept us busy on Friday (the day of our "supposed approval") with an incredible celebration of yet another birthday! Skyler turned 12! So in wild Newsom style we played at Six Flags for 2 days and of course ended with a breakfast at Little Rosies! We are SO BLESSED!