Friday, September 30, 2011

When the going gets tough... stay on your knees!

Staying on my knees is the only thing that truly keeps me sane.  I need God in such a HUGE way!  I've always known it but as i i've aged i've gotten better at expressing it :)

We are under some major spiritual warfare right now.  We are in the biggest battle we've found ourselves in since the onset of the adoption.  I cannot share because i do not have that freedom for now. 

I can say that i am once again finding myself in a position of simply trusting when all looks black.  All the lights have gone out and i can no longer see a foot in front of me.  i don't know why God is allowing a new mountain to scale but He is and i know He has equipped us to scale it. 

Someone asked me the other day if the journey was tiring and what kept me from giving up.  Well my first response would be "Really? Of course it is tiring but so is everybody elses journeys."  And secondly "What would possess me to give up?  These are lives we are talking about, flesh and blood!  Lives that deserve the saving grace knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Isn't a life of freedom worth fighting for?"

Helen Keller said, "I am only one, but still i am one.  I cannot do everthing, but still i can do something; and because i cannot do everything, i will not refuse to do something that i can do." 

I will pray and pray and pray again.  Not just for my kiddos that need a parent, but for the millions more out there just like them. 

Thank you friends for praying us through this journey, we can feel your prayers!  LeAnn


  1. I've been praying consistently. Know that we love you all of you and believe that God is walking beside you through this time. I can't wait to meet those boys!

  2. After last night ~147 million orphans~Prayers are what you need~it moves mountains~His will ~MERCIFUL FATHER, Your Word also says that if people do not persist in unbelief, they can be grafted back into the fullness of Your plan. (Romans 11:23) Thank You, God, for so often granting the gift of second chances!
    Love you guys!!
