Saturday, March 16, 2013

Getting rid of a little more of me...

Im sitting at the table studying out of the book of Daniel
As the three kids are huddled around a portable DVD player
Watching Fantastic four.

I stare at their faces as I remember so many moments from
The week...  Good, bad, hard, sad, exciting, trying...
But all memorable!

A few stand out that I want to share...
This may be long and they may seem random
But... If you'll stick with me
I'll try to pull them all together!

We had a discussion Sunday about what
They each wanted to be when they grow up...
Erik... A professional soccer player,
Chloe... A doctor on the mission field,
And Emily... A veterinarian.

We assured them they had the potential!
And that we (their forever family) were
Here through Gods direction to help
Them be all they were meant to be.

Shortly after we visited the girls church for the
Night service.  My eyes were drawn to the
Eleven sweet girls still hoping, praying,
Waiting and watching for their forever family!

I watched them raise their hands and voices
In praise and pain!  A few had tears streaming!
And my heart ached... "What about them Lord?"
And with bravery in my heart I said in my head
With all the resolve that I had...
"I will fight for them!"

Can they truly be all they were meant to be?
I don't have the answers, but... i do know
Statistics if they don't have a forever
Family to love and support them.

I haven't been able to stop the thoughts
Running Through my head on the way home
And continuing through the week.

As the week has progressed  I've had many
Times of frustration... That have left me saying...
"I want to go home!  I'm done!  I've had enough!"
And as quick as the thought occurs I can't help
But think how quick my resolve wanes with

In Daniel 1, it talks of his resolve against some
Pretty amazing odds!  His situation stunk!  Yet...
He never cried "foul" or "poor me"... He simply
Resolved to do what he knew to be right.  He didn't
Change based on circumstance!

God allowed some pretty heavy stuff to occur in
Daniels life, BUT God also did amazing miracles
In Daniels life.  Daniels obedience to his resolve
Came first and then Gods divine blessing!
And ALL around him reaped the benefits!

I wonder what could happen in the lives of others
If my resolve would stop waning when tough things
Happen.  I wonder what blessings others would enjoy
If my character would rise to the occasion instead
Of plummet with the circumstance.  I wonder what
Difference could be made if I really lived a serious
Existence of caring for others above myself.

As a disciple of Christ I can be a Daniel today... I
Can choose to model a life of no compromise
And serious resolve... And get the blessing of sitting
On the front row watching God radically shift an other's
Life :).

No I'm not meant to save the world... That's Gods job...
But I do get the blessing of being a player in the game :)
And how significant of a player is going to depend on
My resolve!

So I choose a Daniel kind of life...
Hard but chalked full of Gods mercies :)
I want to change the world around me...
One person at a time!

So God has revealed to me.... To live a Daniel
Kind of life... I'm going to have to be willing
To get rid of a little more of me :)

So I am ecstatic to make that my resolve
moving forward... And am anticipating God Sized
Difference from here on out!!
As I move out... And He moves in!!
Wow what different priorities i will have. 

We still have more days here....
And since I know God wastes nothing...
And every circumstance is ultimately so
He will be known and for His Glory...
I am eyes wide open as we approach them.

I want to be a Daniel!  I want to make a
Significant, eternal, God sized difference...
That splashes into the lives of others that
thought they had no hope and makes
them want to rise up and be all they were
meant to be in Him!!  Glory!

We covet your prayers as we keep
moving forward!


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